Spring/Spring 기초
e7e샘의 노션 블록에디터
2023. 9. 5. 12:20
프로젝트에 블록에디터
공식 홈페이지는 https://editorjs.io/ 를 가보면 된다
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// 내용 바꾸깅
async function fChg() {
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// 내용 저장 (localStorage에 할깡, DB에 할깡 clob롱)
async function fSave() {
alert("F12 눌렁 Console.log 내용 확인해 주삼");
let rslt = await editor.save();
console.log("체크:", rslt);
console.log("체크:", JSON.stringify(rslt));
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잘 된 설정을 가지고 있는 게 필요
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"description": "비오는 날은 언제나, 가슴이 눈물로 가득찬당?, 안찬당?",
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"url": "https://wimg.mk.co.kr/news/cms/202304/14/news-p.v1.20230414.15e6ac6d76a84ab398281046dc858116_P1.jpg"
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\n무엇이든 HTML
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"text": "지나는 지나치는 법이 없음",
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"text": "서니는 줌 apif를 잘 한당",
"checked": true
"text": "비오는 화요일!!! 슬프당",
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"이거슨 리스트 아이템이예용",
"간단하고 파워풀하지용",
"비슷한 설정이 반복되는 게 못생겼어요"
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"caption": "AOA 모야?"
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"text": "음 이것은 인용구문을 쓸 때 유용하겠군",
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"text": "Create a directory for your module, enter it and run <mark class=\"cdx-marker\">npm init</mark> command."
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"text": "Create a directory for your module, enter it and run <span class=\"inline-code\">npm init</span> command."
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* Custom uploader
uploader: {
* Upload file to the server and return an uploaded image data
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* @return {Promise.<{success, file: {url}}>}
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// your own uploading logic here
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// for example: name, size, title
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